Trying Something New…

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Carol Blackburn’s book arrived and my hobby changed. All I needed was time to meander through the techniques and ideas she had written about. But I was in my third school as a principal and my hobby took a backseat. Still, I did get to play with some of the new things I had learned. My favorite was using the extruder. How magical it was to put multicolored clay slices in the extruder and squeeze out long strings of clay, slice them and marvel at the beautiful patterns running all the way through the canes. I spent a lot of time learning to slice the canes evenly and then apply them to my beads. I still love this batch of beads. Most of their siblings have found homes as gifts but a few still remain with me. They were the beginning of my new journeys with polymer clay. Suddenly there were many turns I could take on the road and they did not have ‘Do Not Enter’ signs on them.

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